We had an amazing result in one of Tiffany’s most intense custody cases this year! After multiple rounds of litigation culminating in an all-day trial, our client was awarded sole legal and physical custody of his precious children.
The circumstances were unusual, but the result was rewarding. Our client suspected that the other parent had Munchausen’s by Proxy (an unusual mental health issue) but had never been able to prove it. We were able to hire an expert witness to show the court that the other parent’s mental state was damaging to the children’s wellbeing. The multiple medical records and witnesses made preparation difficult, but nothing was more important than the safety of the children whose futures were at stake.
One technique that led to this fantastic result is Tiffany’s ability to listen to the client and to ask the right questions. Our client had long articulated that the other parent was obsessed with talking about how there was something wrong with the children. The other parent had two friends who both testified that she was a wonderful mother. Tiffany thought carefully about the client’s concerns and asked both witnesses, “How much time does she spend talking about how there is something wrong with the children?” Both opposing witnesses swallowed hard, but truthfully testified that the parent suspected of Munchausen’s by Proxy spent approximately 50% of her conversation discussing her belief that there was something wrong with the children. That eye-opening question to the opposing party’s own witnesses ultimately helped convince the court that our client should have sole custody of his children.
Tiffany used several trial strategies that we believe helped win the day, but ultimately, we are just thrilled that our client will be able to raise his children in peace and safety. These types of cases are very unusual, even for custody attorneys, but when they do come along, you need an experienced and thoughtful lawyer by your side.